Monday, February 05, 2007

Pollution-(Global Warming)-

Thinking of my final topic for the teen life proyect, I would like to choose Pollution or also like I like to called, globlal warming. These is something that is bad for us the teen agers . Looking for good information and also a very good internet page , for information to this teen life proyect ,I looked in this one, click here (Pollution). This was not the only page i visited also This are some of the things I got from that internet page.

"Scientist agreed the Earth's climate is being directly affected by human activity, and for many people around the world, these changes are having negative effects. Records show that 11 of the last 12 years were among the 12 warmest on record worldwide. Carbon dioxide levels today are nearly 30 percent higher than they were prior to the start of the Industrial Revolution, based on records extending back 650,000 yers. According to NASA, the polar ice cap is now melting at the rate of 9 percent per decade. Arctic ice thickness has decreased 40 percent since the 1960s. The current pace of sea-level rise is three times the historical rate and appears to be accelerating. The current pace of sea-level rise is three times the historical rate and appears to be accelerating".taken

What this says here is that on the last recorded years scientist has conlude that humans are directly affecting earth by our activity, some things like burning fossil fuels, and other things that are damaging our earth and the atmosphere. Also that the carbon dioxide leves are higher than normal, this a producer of the green house effect that is when carbon dioxide is concentrated inside earth and it retains most of the heat from the sun, making also the polar ice cap melt 9 percent each decade! That is not the only thing also scince the 1960 ice thickness has reduced a 40 percent making sea levels rice and having lots of floods near costal areas.

Lots of bad things are happening to our earth right now, most of them are bad killing people our around us, but the worst thing is that is our fault, we are killing people, and we are all guilty for what is happening and all the casualties around the world.

I choose this topic (global warming) because I think is the most affective one right now in our lives around the world. And because we are teen agers in the future our lives are going to be horrible, we might suffer and lose our families, all because of our fault and other people. We have to stop this. But how? We should talk in our citys and making people realize for what is happening right now, many people dont now and its our turn to tell them that we are killing our selves slowly and that we are not doing any thing to stop it. We shold react to the world. We are the future of this world and we can not suffer...


..Juli B.. said...

Hi august,
Well your post is very detail it has all the information I want is that first I decides I wanted to do my project about poverty, but now I wanted to do about global warming its my last decision. I hope you keep up the great job..


Pau I said...

Hi august,

I think that your post is very cool and interesting because pollution is affecting all the world and global warming causes many damage like hurricanes or floods or things like that. well bye! good job! (k)