Monday, September 18, 2006

~ |Response post of 3 Skeleton Key| ~

I just read a very interesting story called Three Skeleton Key. It is suposed to be scary, but the author tried, but else it is a nice story to read.

For me it has been the coolest story i ever read, also when I read when the three persons that were working at the lighthouse were traped =) I liked that part , in english class. Some parts in this story makes me remember some of my childhood experiences, like when in the story there is a ship sinking I remember when i was a kid that I was in a fast boat, looking at a boat show and every body was looking at the best showing boat, and it crashed a coral and it sanked.

And in one part of the story I was suprised because all the amount of rats surruandeed a 100 or more meters lighthouse!

But the point here is that I liked the story and I hope you read it.


1 comment:

Isabella G said...

Your writing was very interesting. I like the way you organized your ideas. It is very cool that you shared your experience with other people. The picture is very neat!

I agree with you in the way that it was supposed to be a scary story, but it didn't scare anyone, (and I am a very scary person)

P.S: Really good blog!